Thursday, February 1, 2018

Happy Candlemass Eve, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 You really didn't think I would forget that, did you?  Especially with all my viewings of "Horror Hotel."

                                   This is the night when the witches mock the rituals of the church and then, on the stroke of midnight--sacrifice a nice, ripe female virgin, like Venetia Stevenson, as Nan Barlow, in the movie.

                                     But that was 58--can you believe it?????--years ago!  Today, the ritual is problematic?  Where does one find a virgin, these days?  A maternity ward?  I mean, technically they would be virgins, but many witches, contrary to what Rosemary says in the Levin novel, shy away from sacrificing babies.  So, what is a self-respecting witch to do in today's age?

                                      The only answer is to visit the Raven's Inn, in Whitewood, Mass. and join the other "guests" at......"services!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                       Beware!  Like Nan, you may learn more than you ever wanted to know!

                                        But we just LOVE Elizabeth Selwyn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I'm about ready to offer myself in place of Nan Barlow.

    After having to listen to the grotesque Amy Schumer try to lie her way into the #metoo movement, in a pathetic attempt to remain relevant- that stone slab is starting to look mighty attractive.


  2. Now, Darling,

    You are not nearly as naïve
    as Nan. And during the past
    two years, with what you've
    been through, you have been
    on enough slabs for now.

    As for Amy Schumer, I don't
    take anything she says seriously.
    She is not as funny as she thinks she is,
    and, of all the good Amys out there, she
    is the BAD one!
