Sunday, February 4, 2018

Girls, I Am Telling You, Here And Now, Anybody's Is Not A Lesbian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            One thing I will say for her character--she is fascinating, and I always wondered what the theatrical significance  of her being in "West Side Story" was.  Comic relief, maybe???????

                              There is a line where one of the Jet says to her, "Aaah, go walk the streets, like your sister."  This infers that the sister is a prostitute, and that Anybody's, whose name suggests she belongs to the streets, will become one, as soon as her feminine hormones kick in.

                                For now, they haven't so, she is running around, a Jets wannabe.

                                She may be butcher than Baby John, but I am telling you, in the fifty or more years I have been exposed to "West Side Story," I never thought of this character as a lesbian, or in terms of sexual orientation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Well, if what I am about to report happens--all that will change!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Steven Spielberg, with Tony Kushner at the writing helm, is planning to remake "West Side Story.!"

                                     Not only to remake it, but to take it out of its time and context, updating it to today.

                                      Which means, forget the title, because the Upper West Side is now a mecca for the wealthy!

                                         Will the beloved Jerome Robbins' choreography be jettisoned????????

                                          What about the Bernstein score and Sondheim lyrics?  How horribly are they going to be re-interpreted?  And how can Sondheim, the only member of the original creative team still alive, not counting Harold Prince, allow such a thing?

                                            Of course, with Kushner, Baby John will be gay, and Anybody's will be a lesbian??????????????????

                                            Forget about timeless romance, balletic artistry, and the tragedy of young love.

                                            "West Side Story" will now become "Worst Side Story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                                All the originals must be turning in their graves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. So the rumors are true.
    Spielberg always wanted to direct a musical, I read.
    This should be interesting.


  2. Well, if this project actually
    happens, I will not see it.
    The show is a product of its
    time. What will be updated
    next? "Oklahoma!"?

  3. ''West Side Story'' is one of my favorite movies, and ''Anybody's'' reminds me of 3 teenaged sisters who were my next door neighbors back in the late 1970's.


  4. Spaceboyuw,
    And how are those sisters today,
    out of curiosity. I am not judging
    lesbians, by any means, but the work
    was never meant to explore sexual
    orientation, so it should be kept
    out of it now!

  5. The oldest sister got married back in the 1980's, but I don't know if her 2 younger sisters ever married, or not.. and I agree with you- the work never was meant to explore sexual orientation....


  6. Spaceboyuw,

    Maybe the other sister just
    did not find Mr. Right, or
    wanted to get married. It
    is not right for everyone,

    Thanks for agreeing with me.
    This was 1957 when done on stage.
    Even had they been interested in
    exploring those issues, they would
    not have been allowed to then.

    If the content is changed, and these
    issues explored, how does the timesless
    (yet of its time) Bernstein score now fit
    in to all this?
