Sunday, February 4, 2018

Has Fred Bass' Dream Started To Crumble, Already???????????????????

                             Sometimes, you just have to be a bitch, darlings, and other times it spontaneously comes right out of you.  The latter happened to me, yesterday, when David and I did what we have come to call "a Strand run."

                               That means lugging a bagful of books I know will not be kept or read again, and selling them at The Strand. When I do it alone, my darlings, I tell you, I feel one step up from a prostitute.  Fantine with brains!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Of course, as I am sure many of you here know, it is impossible for me to walk into this store, and not come out with something.

                                The selling went very well.  And I found two Dawn Powell books, whose works I am exploring.  The problem came when I went to look for the book about Jackie and Lee.

                                 The clerk I dealt with there had no idea what I was talking about.  I said I absolutely could not deal with someone who was so ignorant they did not know who Jackie and Lee were.  Of course, the guy was this mannered looking straight dude, a real Lin Manuel Miranda wannabe, who wants to give off the impression he lives in Williamsburg, but is really holed up in Corona, Queens, with his waitress girl friend, who is dumber than he is.  But, hell, man, she gives him great sex, and that is all that counts, right?  Wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Not to know who Jackie and Lee are!   What is wrong with society?????????

                                 Anyway, I was mad as hell, ready to walk out.  But then I found this affable, fine looking young man, looking like he had recently graduated from Choate, or some equivalent thereof.
He certainly knew who Jackie and Lee were, and after an extensive search, returned and presented me with the store's first in house copy, which was downstairs.

                                  I thanked him very much.  This is the kind of person I want to deal with at The Strand.  Not some mannered dude who is going to make his girl friend fetch him beer all day, while he jerks off, watching the Super Bowl.

                                    Such idiots should not even be allowed to patronize The Strand!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Oh, Fred, Fred, where are you????????????????????


  1. You do paint a picture lol
    You could totally write a sitcom

  2. To be fair, the book is so new I'm astonished they even had a copy, much less the counter clerk being remotely aware of it. As of Friday it was still being discussed in the daily print newspapers as "pending".

    OTOH, any male retail employee dealing with the public who thinks aping that pompous closet queen LM Miranda is a good move = moron who should be fired. I don't care if he was born looking like Miranda: change the look anyway. The man may be wildly successful, but he's an ass. Unless you want to attract balding closeted white men from Scarsdale, lose the Miranda look.


  3. Victoria,

    To be honest, I
    have thought of
    it. I know I
    could write great
    dialogue, but I
    have trouble
    developing a valid


  4. Darling,

    This clerk was useless.
    The other one was better
    educated, cuter, and eager
    to help. This guy obviously
    wanted to be somewhere else;
    the same vibe I get from
    Lin Manuel Miranda, who only
    wants to be inside a bubble
    of constant adoration!!!!!!!!!!
