Friday, February 2, 2018

Girls, I Cannot Wait To Read This!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          As many of you on here know, I do not often read non-fiction.  I mean, I do, but it is a rarity, as the subject has to be something of interest, or that presses my buttons.

                                          Well, I cannot wait to read this new book about Jackie and her sister, my favorite, (Princess) Lee Radizwill.

                                            And their mother, Janet Auchincloss!  Of THE Auchinclosses, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           It has been ages since I had lunch with Lee.  Oh, those post Truman Capote days at La Cote Basque.  The Golden Days of the Colony Club, which I was too young to experience.  But, with this book, girls, not only I, but you, can curl up on a sofa with bon bons, and experience these halcyon days for yourselves, through this wonderful book.

                                            Jackie and Lee!  Were there ever two more glamorous sisters?  Well, maybe the Cushings!

                                             Lee is still with us, but I am not sure in what condition.  Word on the street is she has Alzheimer's, but I am sure she is being cared for, properly.  And dressed by top designers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Of course, she is still a Princess!

                                                And so am I, girls!  But, if you have read this blog,  you know that, already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I hadn't known Lee was close to Ari Onassis before Jackie started a relationship with him.
    Lord help the sister who comes between me and my man...


  2. Indeed!

    I had never known that, before.
    At the time, Lee was prettier than
    Jackie. But those gals did OK for

    What is sad is the kind of class
    they exuded is a vanished commodity.
