Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Happy Belated Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Some birthdays are important enough to post every year, and Shelley Plimpton's is one of them.  Yesterday, girls, was her 71st birthday, and she looks fabulous. Of course, most people nowadays know her as Martha Pimpton's mother, which is correct.

                                  But for myself, and others of my contemporaneity, Shelley will always be the original Crissy from "HAIR," who introduced my favorite song from the show, "Frank Mills."  Which had an impact of sorts on my life, as for the past 40 years, I have been marching down to the Waverly, now IFC, each September 12th, to sing the song, myself.

                                   Which gives me another reason to pay Shelley's immortal rendering of the song, on here!

                                       So, happy birthday, Shelley!  Hope you had a great day, and year!

                                       Here is Shelley, as she actually introduced the song, at the Pubic Theatre, on October 7, 1967.  Still definitive, but the pace and phrasing are different. Still, it is all Shelley.  I prefer the Broadway version, though, having been raised on it!

                                          I wonder, if today, Crissy would have asked for the two dollars back???????

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