Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Forever BARBRA, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              BARBRA, like so many of us, had a dog she loved.  It died, and unlike the rest of us, and BARBRA being BARBRA, she did something about it.

                               She cloned not one, but two versions of the dog!!!!!!!!  It cost her one hundred thousand dollars, or fifty thousand a dog.

                                 Hey, it's BARBRA!  She can well afford it!  Ask James Brolin!  Mr. BARBRA!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  The news caused me to literally leap up in bed, as I watched it.

                                   First, because of the audacity of BARBRA, which should not have surprised me.

                                   But, then, as it slowly sank in, the real reason for her doing this came into my head.

                                    BARBRA is making plans for the future.  She, when the time comes, is going to clone herself!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     That way, future generations will NEVER be without BARBRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      What a brilliant, egotistical, idea!  It could only come from BARBRA!

                                        BARBRA doesn't need "People," darlings, BARBRA needs BARBRA!

                                       And soon, she will be here, for all time.

                                       Future generations, gird you loins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!