Wednesday, February 28, 2018

February Fades Into History!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              I have always been glad to see this month end, as I know the period of my Seasonal Affect Disorder is drawing to a close.  It is also the birthday of two family members, my sister, who, as a Leap Year Baby, celebrates on the 28th at other times, and my cousin, Robert, whose actual natal day this is.

                              And even though my David made efforts to distract me--Bernadette Peters in "Hello, Dolly!," and Hayley Mills in "Party Face," this month will be, for the rest of my life, tainted by the irrevocable loss of my father, on the 12th.  Even though he was 102, and witnessed just about every stage of my life--which makes me truly blest--the passing of both my parents becomes a painful reality.  I try to forage on, but there are also those days where I either want to curl myself up into a shell, or go down a rabbit hole, like Alice.

                              Alas, I can't.  I can only keep you girls informed, and keep active in every possible way to distract me.

                                So, farewell, to a February never to be forgotten!

                                See you in March, darlings, when Hope springs eternal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. The Peanuts panel you chose to illustrate this blog entry is from one of my all-time-favorite strips. Actually it was a weeks worth of strips, chronicling Snoopy's growing attachment to a snowman, then his pending terror of the sun melting his new friend.

    It ends with Snoopy resigned to his grief, staring at the resulting puddle. As Charlie Brown and Linus walk by, CB remarks to Linus that "Snoopy is so tender-hearted and sensitive". Linus replies,

    "Apparently not too sensitive to eat the carrot."

    Don't know why, but I've thought that was hysterical ever since I first read it at the age of 10.


  2. I vaguely remember this episode.
    It just epitomized for me the
    drama, on all levels, of this particular
