Thursday, March 1, 2018

It's March--And We Need Some Hope!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  February was especially dreadful, due to my father's passing, and now we are into March.  My pets, Ramsey and Ramsey, Jr., are especially happy, and so is Baby Gojira.

                                   But I am telling you, how the atmosphere has changed.  When I was a child, March was consistent.  It always "came in like a Lion, and went out like a Lamb."  Sometimes, the reverse would happen, but now, it is anyone's guess.

                                     Today is a kind of a Lamb day, but then, just tomorrow, the New York area is supposed to be hit with a lion of a Nor'easter!   So, the weather this month is anyone's guess.

                                       I wish you all a peaceful March, and a relaxing transition into Spring.

                                       And I wish peace for myself, and all my loved ones!

                                       Including all my furry and feathered friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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