Thursday, February 15, 2018

On Aging Parents

                         As the painful actuality of my father's passing seeps in gradually, I have to confess the idea for this post popped into my head several days before he died.  I started thinking back to my two favorite Dickens novels, "David Copperfield" an d "Great Expectations," where, in one of them was a minor, though, being Dickens, delightful character, being cared for by his son, known as "Aged Parent," or, more commonly, "Aged P."

                         I was certain, darlings, that he was in "David Copperfield," being the book is longer and has far many more characters.  But, when I did the research, I found Aged Parent was in "Great Expectations."  I am crushed.  How can I call myself a Dickensian?  Well, I still will.  What this suggests to me is that I need to reread "Great Expectations," which I will do sometime this year.  It will certainly be a pleasure.

                          But Aged Parent is the father of John Wemmick, a work associate of Pip's, as he begins his journey up the career ladder.  I was reminded of him in the days of my father's passing, because, all too swiftly, before my eyes, before I could realize it, he had turned into Aged Parent himself.

                          It is hard for us to see the vital adults we come to see our parents as, from being children, alter into old age.  Just as it is hard for some of us--and I had a hard time--transitioning from childhood to adulthood, via puberty.  Watch out for those early signs, kids--puberty is your first sign of Life's trouble!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            This is hardly a testament to my father.  That will come later, and be in the flaming and humorous style I am known for.  But my more somber mood makes me well aware of Aged Parent.  We all will have one, and some of us eventually will become one.

                             To all I say, take care of them, as best you can.  And may someone, at the time, take equally good care of you or us.

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