Thursday, February 15, 2018

Handling Life Like Joan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          I just LOVE Christina Hendricks as Joan, on "Mad Men."  As I have said, before, had I possessed her composure, I might still be working. But that was then, and this is now.  Recently, girls, I had an encounter, where I learned to handle it as Joan, and let me tell you, it felt good.  And did more good than if I had screamed and yelled.

                          The encounter took place, Sunday before last, in, of all places, the Bay Ridge Bookstore, on Third Avenue, in the Eighties.  David and I had just entered, and I turned my eye to the shelf on the right side wall, where the hardcover best sellers are kept.

                           I tried to get close, but, blocking my way, and talking, were this man, and, I presume his wife.  He was some tall, arrogant, broad shouldered, sandy haired, corporate type; he was doing all the talking; the poor woman seemed either to be trying to listen to him, or maybe, wisely, she simply tuned him out.  I would guess him to be in his mid-Forties.

                             They had no intention of removing themselves. There was plenty of space in front of them, for me to peruse themselves.  I said, loud enough so they could hear, "Excuse me, please," and stepped politely ahead, so I could see the shelves.

                               As I perused, I could hear him say to his wife, "Can you believe he stepped right in front of us?"  My first inclination was to turn and snarl, "Well, I did say 'Excuse me!'  I even added 'please.'  Are you deaf?"

                               That would have been how I would have handled things, in the past.  In which case, this guy and I would have gotten into some sort of verbal altercation, because, girls, I can tell you, this was the type of guy who was not about to allow a gay man to impringe on his manhood.  As if I would want to, darlings!  But this is how these boobs think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 The altercation would have resulted in disfavor with myself and the proprietor, who would have been embarrassed by the whole thing, which would have me hesitant to return to the store again.

                                   But some part of me--maybe the more sensible part--said, "Take a cue from Joan."  So, in true Joan fashion, I turned slowly around, looked directly at him, smiled that cryptic Joan smile, and said one of her best lines....."Thank you... for clearing that up."  I gazed at him a bit too long, so he got the message, then resumed my perusing.

                                   I am telling you, girls, it worked, because, in seconds, the pair moved to the back of the store, where they still were, as David and I eventually left the place.

                                    Thank you, Christina Hendricks, and Joan!  One can get results without resorting to shouting or name calling.

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