Friday, February 16, 2018

We Want Mary-Louise Parker, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But Where Is She?

                       Thanks to my wonderful husband, David, I was made aware of this new film coming out, set in Brooklyn Heights, about Brooklyn Heightsters.  It is called "Golden Exits," and, as Mary- Louise Parker lives in that nabe, I would not be at all surprised if it was filmed in and around her area.

                           The film also features Jason Schwartzman and--oh, my God, darlings!!!!!!!--Chloe Sevigny and Lily Rabe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  This is going to be a veritable feast for us who are fascinated by the technicalities of acting and how gifted folk like these ladies use them--especially Mary-Louise!!!!!--and what the results will be.

                             There is just one problem.  I cannot find a screening listing for it, anywhere! Nada!!!!!!!!!!   What is going on?  How dare us devotees be deprived of Mary-Lousie Parker????????

                              You listen to me, director Alex Perry Ross!  Get this film out at once, or you may find yourself being named on here, as Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                See?  I'm doing it again--being a bitch!  I guess I have not yet quite mastered Joan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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