Saturday, February 17, 2018

Yes, Darlings, I Am Feeling A Bit Like Scarlett!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             It really is all about one day at a time.  Some moments,  I feel like I am going to break down.  I know I will, at some point, and I know, from experience, it will come at the most unexpected time or place.  There will be an unexpected trigger, and the tears will start.

                              But most days, I feel like Scarlett trying to keep it together. She had her distractions, what with running Tara, caring for her sisters, and her emotionally unhinged father.  Mine is reading, and writing on here.  Thank God I have not plunged into the sinkhole of depression, where I am unable to do either.  I have been there, darlings, and it is not pleasant.  The brain knows what it wants to do, but lacks the emotional concentration capable of getting it done.

                             So, like Scarlett, I forge on.  But unlike Scarlett, who had, but not understand, the value of Rhett, I am lucky to have and understand the value of my David.
                                                                                   This how it has seemed, since this past Monday, girls!  And, like Scarlett, I will go on!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. ...but lacks the emotional concentration...


  2. Hey Victoria,
    Please clarify your comment
    for me. Did I make a grammatical
    mistake? A poor word choice.
    I can fix it if you let me know.

  3. Not at all!
    It's just an affirmation, like Amen!

  4. Thanks so much, Victoria.
    As you can imagine, at this time,
    my reasoning can be a bit skewered.
