Saturday, February 17, 2018

Girls, You Simply HAVE To Read This!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    While other writers are busily trying to write the next "Gone Girl," or "The Girl On The Train," (which even its author, could not top, with her disappointing "Into The Water") Anthony Horowitz deftly and smartly explores old traditions.

                                      "Magpie Murders" is actually three novels in one, as will be seen, should you explore the page numeration of the book before reading.  It starts out with Cloverbooks editor Susan
Ryeland  dipping into the story in the title, then gives the reader that story...with an unfinished ending....just like Charles Dickens, and "The Mystery Of Edwin Drood."  Then there is the outside this novel story--the murder of author Alan Conway (whose initials, and fictional conventions, suggest Agatha Christie, whose traditions both Conway and Horowitz) respect and honor.  Then there is "The Slide," the novel Conway really wanted to write,  thinking it his breakthrough work, enabling to move on, discarding his mystery series.  But the reader gets a chance to read some of this, and it really is terrible, compared to everything else?

                                         The book is also set in two time periods, the present, and 1955.  The parts within the past are the best, revealing a village population that has no idea of having been kept, by one woman, unaware of the psychopathic mystery that resides within.

                                           Murders, red herrings, a complicated, but not impossible to follow structure makes this book and Horowitz heads above the increasing population of Gillian Flynn and Paula Hawkins imitators out there.  Thank God no one is imitating Paula Zahn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            If this book could absorb and distract me during an, at present, difficult period, think what it will do for you, darlings, when you haven't a care in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             I really must read more of this Mr. Horowitz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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