Saturday, February 17, 2018

Wait Till You Hear About Celia's Next Project!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Now, you on here know how much I LOVE Celia Keenan-Bolger, her beauty, her hair, her radiance, her acting gifts, and would see her in just about anything.  She tore my heart out as Laura in "The Glass Menagerie," and defined that role for the present generation.

                              But how is she going to pull this next thing off?

                              For awhile now, there has been talk, from Aaron Sorkin, about adapting "To Kill A Mockingbird" to the stage.  When I first heard this, I was nonplussed.

                             After all, Horton Foote's adaptation, released in 1962, with Gregory Peck and Company, and that memorable Elmer Bernstein score, is as perfect a rendering as could have been done, and there is no way to top it.  So, why try?

                             Initially, I had no idea of seeing this travesty.  But, now all that has changed.

                             The play has been cast. Jeffrey Daniels, a good actor, has been cast as Atticus Finch, and, while Gregory Peck will always own the role,  I can see him in that part.

                               But, wait till you hear about Celia, dears!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               She is going to be playing.........Scout!

                               As an actress, I can imagine her doing anything!  But, is she going to be playing Scout as a child?  She has youth, but I mean, really???????  Or, and this has been rumored, Sorkin may be combining Harper Lee's two novels--'Mockingbird' and "Go Set A Watchman," where, in the latter segments, Celia could play an adult Scout.

                              That will be interesting to see.  But a message for the creative staff--

                               Please, PLEASE allow Celia to look like herself in the role.  Do not butch her up in a wig, to resemble Mary Badham, or someone enacting Harper Lee.  I mean, is the actor playing Dill going to do a Truman Capote voice???????????????

                                This was the mistake made in ENCORES "Merrily We Roll Along."  Celia was so encumbered by period costumes and wigs that it did not favor her physically, and detracted considerably from a performance that could have been brilliant, had there not been all these distractions on her.

                                Please, let Celia be Celia, in playing Scout!!!!!!!!!!  Now, I am interested in the project.  If she is to play a pre-pubescent child, she will give it her all!  No doubt!

                                  The results should be interesting!  But, please, PLEASE--
                                  Don't do THIS, to Celia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                        

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