Saturday, February 3, 2018

What A Dream I Had Last Night, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Maybe the winter is getting to me.  Maybe it is because I have not been sleeping especially well.  Maybe it is because of my father's health situation.  Or maybe it was due to Candlemass Eve being two days ago.

                              Whatever, last night, I had a nightmare.  I was in a nursing home--nightmarish enough, already!--and I was hooked up to this bed, wherein rested an old woman, who looked just like this!  Added to the nightmare, she was hooked up to a catheter, and had bubble wrap over her mattress sheet, and leered at me, like this, that I was scared urine was going to drip over into my bed!

                                Then I woke up!

                                 I did not eat anything unusual for dinner, or before bed.

                                I do not approve of Granny porn!  Though girls have to work!

                                Heaven help me from ever having a dream like this, again!

                                Hope all yours were pleasant, last night, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I actually worked in a nursing home as a young girl.
    It was pretty grim; they must have had lower standards in those days.

  2. All the commercials on TV for the new Helen Mirren movie "Winchester" likely prompted your subconscious childhood memories of William Castle's "House On Haunted Hill", from whence this iconic "shock shot" face derives.

    Had quite an impact, since you only see her the one time in this single closeup (after making you shit your pants, she's never alluded to again).


  3. Victoria,

    You are right; they did.
    I can attest--in 1971, my
    maternal grandmother suffered
    a stroke, rendering her parlayzed
    on her left side. Her right side,
    speech and mental state were

    She was put in a beautiful place.
    But when the money ran out, she had
    to be moved. This would not happy today.
    She ended up in a place in Freehold NJ
    that reminded me of the worst of
    "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest>"
    I hated going there, because of the
    place. And we all love the other.


  4. Darling,

    Actually, she is seen again. Before midnight,
    when the house is locked, she and her hubby
    appear by the dining room table. Nora
    Manning is still hysterical about something,
    and sees the couple. Vincent Price says,
    "That's Jonas (sic) and his wife. They've
    been caretakers here for years."

    I agree the Helen Mirren ad prompted
    things. But so, I think, does
    my father's situation.
