Monday, March 19, 2018

A Cautionary Tale For All!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            I was also saddened by the suicide of 17-year-old Eric Verbeeck, from Tampa, Florida.  Eric was at his high school peak, an honor student, and, according to reports not bullied.  He was uncomfortable with being male, felt he would be more comfortable as a female.  His parents were supportive, sent him to a psychologist to talk it over.  He had even started hormone therapy.

                              So, what went wrong?????????

                              Well, for starters, Eric lived in Florida.  If one has these kinds of issues, hon, the first thing to do is get the hell outta there. Even if it is the more citified Tampa, than the rural swamp regions.

                                 Eric's parents, Patricia and Peter Verbeeck, said they were accepting.  So, what is this about Patricia eventually moving to South Carolina with him, where a house with a pink bedroom--go, Eric!!!!!!!!!--was waiting.  But nothing about dad Peter moving.  What is that all about, hmmmmmm?????????  I have to ask, and wonder.

                                   On March 6, almost a month before his 18th birthday on April 14, Eric penned a sucide note to his parents, which began--"Dear Mommy and Papa, I am so sorry to do this to you."

                                    On March 6, Eric took his life.  How is not known.  But it almost does not matter.  Because the reason is the most tragic thing.

                                     Eric, who planned on changing his name to Hope--great symbol, and hey, Hope Lange!!!!!!!!!--lost faith in the process.  He was still a teenager, and I am sure he was told this process would take time.  But he was still a teenager, and that meant he was impatient.  He wanted things to happen NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       I am sad this seems to be the reason Eric took his life.  I have been in that place, wanting things to happen, when I want them to.

                                        But often the waiting is well worth the want, when it comes.

                                         I wish Eric could have realized this.  I wish it for his family.

                                         And I hope future struggling teens out there do realize it.

                                         May you find peace on the other side, Eric/Hope!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Here is Sarah McLachlan's heart rending song, "In The Arms Of An Angel."  My wish to Eric, and his family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I had the same questions/theories as you did.
    The despair he must have experienced.
    The grief his family and friends must now endure.
    So much sadness.
    The fact that his new name was going to be HOPE.
    Perhaps some good can come out of this tragedy


  2. Victoria.

    Yes, I thought the selection
    of the name Hope was telling,
    as well. I just wish he could
    have waited it out. Or--and
    this just occurred to me--is something
    missing in the story that none of us
    knows about?
