Monday, March 19, 2018

On A Happier Note!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Let's get happy about something, girls!!!!!!!!!!  Well, today is March 19, which means not only that it is St. Joseph's Day, but is the day, according to legend, that the swallows return to Capistrano!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              I know we are supposed to get another some kind of Winter storm, here, dears, but enough is enough, already!!!!!!!!!   The swallows is a sure sign of Spring, and, while Mother Nature may be fooled, one cannot stop, or turn back, Time!  Just ask Cher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                There was even a song written about the swallows, which I will try and post on here.

                                Here is Pat Boone's romantic rendition!

                                 Spring is here, girls, no matter what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Love the Happier Note!!
    So much anger and hate in this world, it can be overwhelming some days.
    And I don't even watch the news anymore.
    Not since the donald became president.
    Sometimes I think if I don't laugh, I'll start crying and never stop.


  2. Victoria,
    I still watch the news, but
    end on a happy note with Colbert's
    opening monologue.

    The way this world is increasing in
    violence disturbs me greatly.

    It is never an answer.
