Saturday, March 24, 2018

"And Michie Wants To Go To The Sea..........!"

                                   I may not have wanted to go to the sea, as the line goes in "Creque Alley," which I was listening to the other day, to cheer me up, but it brought me back to those days, girls, when we all wanted to look like Michelle Phillips!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Hard to believe Michelle is 73 now, and I am sure she does not look like this, anymore, but she did, once, and wow!!!!!!!!!!!!  I am sure lots of us did not look like this, at that age!  Let alone sang with a group, like The Mamas And The Papas.  I always had the hots for Denny!!!!!!!!!  Who know, if I had not had such a cloistered upbringing, I might have ran off to San Francisco, and made history!  Instead, I now make history online!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Not only did Michelle have looks, she had a voice. Those perfect harmonies of she and Cass in "California Dreamin'.........."Oh, my God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Girls, we may not get our chance to look like Michelle, but we can always look our best!  And cherish the artistry of The Mamas And The Papas.

                                       Here is the group singing "Creque Alley" live.  Dig that Cass and Michelle, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        No wonder Michie wanted to go to the sea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I love California Dreamin'
    That and Words of Love.


  2. "California Dreamin'" is
    my cheer up song for depression.
    I love its blend of melody and
    the harmonies.

    "Words Of Love" is good too,
    but from my post you can see I love
    "Creque Alley."

  3. I'll have to send you my list of Cheer Up songs!
    We're in North Carolina right now, with two of our grandsons; one of our sons is deployed.


  4. Victoria,

    Would love to see that list!
    Hope things go well for your son.
    Take care!
