Saturday, March 24, 2018

I Have Some More Things To Say About The Nicole Lovell Case!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  While watching footage of this story, I heard it alluded to a number of times that some felt Nicole herself was responsible for her own demise.  I want to say to these folks, "Are you out of your minds??????????????"

                                   It is true that, had Nicole not ventured out, she would still be alive.


                                  Nicole is the victim here.  Have some compassion.  She is as innocent as Rita Baxter in the "Cold Case" classic, "The Sleepover."

                                  Nicole had a hard life, up till then.  She was also riding the wave of unpopularity and bullying many do during their middle and high school years.

                                   Then, someone out there throws her a safety raft, offering the kind of acceptance and recognition she craved.  She was a teenager.  She ran to it!!!!!!!!  Most would!!!!!!!!!!

                                     David Eisenhauer had a handsome appearance, and I guess, if Nicole said she was 16, then the age difference was of no concern.  She just wanted to have fun, like the cool kids.  Should she be blamed for that?  No.  Did she know what she was in for?  No. Did she even know Natalie Keepers existed?  I am not so sure about that one, but my gut tells me no.

                                      The only thing Nicole could be blamed for was acting like a typical teen.

                                       She might have deserved punishment and curfew from her parents, but  not what she ultimately got.

                                        Now, as to the parents.

                                        Nicole's are tragic. I feel for them.  I am sure they kept as much an eye on her social media actions as could be done.  But teens can and will be tricky.  They might have disapproved, and air their objections, but teen impulsiveness is hard to overcome.

                                          I wonder about the parents of David Eisenhauer and Natalie Keepers.  In cases like these, I feel these parents should be charged, for raising such monsters.  And, darlings, if I could see the narcissism in David's film footage, why couldn't anyone else?  Why weren't signs of unusual behavior found in David and Natalie, as they grew up?  In Natalie's case, I would have looked for social isolation and self-withdrawal, as this would make her the perfect acolyte, which she did evolve to, with David.  And I can tell you, had David not happened along, it would have been someone else.

                                          I maintain David's parents, or even peers, noticed things about them, as they grew up.  They just, in typical fashion, brushed them off, or felt they would grow out of it.

                                           Had more attention been paid, Nicole would still be here.

                                            How dare anyone blame Nicole????????????????

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