Sunday, March 18, 2018

Baby Gojira And I Are Eyeing A Revival Of "Evita!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                   I have been looking around for something challenging, of late, and what could be more challenging than "Evita."  Baby Gojira, who loves to dress up, and right now is getting impatient for Spring, and his seasonal outfit, is anxious to wear this, and other gowns.

                                   And, darlings, like the song says, "I came from the people!  They need to adore me!  So Christian Dior me!"

                                    I wouldn't mind playing Eva Peron myself.  So, here is how it will be done.

                                    At the evening performances, Baby Gojira, who has a higher vocal range, will play Evita.  I will play Che Guevara.  On Matinee days, I will play Evita, and Baby Gojira will play Che.  Maybe with a machete!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Just think of it, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The big break both Baby Gojira and I have been waiting for!

                                       Stand back, New York City!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I’m sure you would not look so great as Eva Peron but you would marvel at the glorious feeling the gown would bestow on your mind


  2. Lynda, Dear,

    Baby Gojira is the one who would
    like great. I am all about the
    challenge of singing that score,
    which I feel I can still do.
    Baby Gojira would carry the bulk
    of performances as Eva. I would
    only be doing two.
