Sunday, March 18, 2018

Whenever I Pass Here, I Feel So Clean, And Virginal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Whenever David and I go to visit our friends, Lynda and Marilyn, in Morris Plains, the train always stops at Convent Station, by the College Of Saint Elizabeth, and I just feel so good, I want to get off the train, and walk around there.  Maybe get another degree.

                          Instead, I stand by the window, outside the station, and pull my pants leg up, like a skirt, revealing a nifty set of calves, in deference to "Nasty Habits" and the nuns!  Whom I just love!

                            As far back as when I was in high school, I think this was primarily a girls school. But with the online web site, I see boys represented, and, unless they are visiting the girls, I guess it has gone coed.

                             In its day, I am sure the young ladies who went were only those destined for the convent.  I say, bring back those days!  Learn about Catholicism and bodies pain wracked from stone floors.  Don't just watch "The Song Of Bernadette."  Live it!

                              I know, I know. Me, too.  But until they start admitting men to the convent--and why not?????????--I will continue to lift a leg to the sisters, as I travel on my way!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Bet they would love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              And I get to feel so pure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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