Thursday, March 15, 2018

Fly The Friendly Skies.....Not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Originally, darlings, I had thought of naming Quintin O' Dell Bitch Of The Week. But his story was just too good to wait till then, so I knew I had to find another.

                                 And, keeping in with the canine theme I seem to be establishing today, I found the perfect Bitch Of The Week, this week, in United Airlines.

                                   Years ago, they used to be called "the friendly skies."  But after the incident where a sweet puppy in a carrying case was confined to an airless overhead carrier, where it remained for three hours, emerging dead, I knew this was the biggest group of bitches anywhere.  That flight attendant, and everyone aboard the flight on which this happened, should be fired.

                                      The thought of that poor dog suffering, and the family's heartbreak is enough to get my Bitch Meter raised.

                                       But that is not enough for United!  Oh, no!

                                        Just days after the dead dog incident, a sweet German Shepherd, who was supposed to travel from Kansas.  Irgo, the German Shepherd, was flying to Wichita, to where his family was moving to, from Oregon.  So, where does poor Irgo end up?   In Japan!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Wish Gojira had been there to oversee things.

                                           But, wait, darlings, it gets better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            When United returned Irgo to the family, the owners told them that was not their Irgo.  It was not even a German Shepherd!

                                              It was a Great Dane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              What is wrong with this organization?  Does it have so little regard for dogs it cannot tell one from the other?  Are the employees really that stupid?   And, if so, what about its administrators?????????????????????

                                                Now, this justifies me lashing out at corporate America!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                A dog does not stand a chance, flying United!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Neither does its human cargo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 This video, from "Mad Men," where Joan (brilliantly played by Christina Hendricks) fires employee Scarlett.  I can hear those United workers, cringing, and saying "It won't happen again."

                                                   To which Joan would reply--and I agree with her--"Not here, it won't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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