Friday, March 16, 2018

Time To Welcome A New Reader, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Girls, I am so amazed!  The follower indicator has reached 70, which means we have a new reader.  I would like to welcome DB Law to this blog, and loved the comments on Seamus.  He is a honey!

                                 Feel free to browse and comment on here.  Just about anything goes on here--no porn; I mean not even a comment about Stormy Daniels---oops, that's as far as I go!  So many interesting things out there to write about, and I cover a lot nobody does.  With strong, unapologetic--but never intending to offend--opinions.

                                  As I can attest, this blog goes great with coffee!

                                  So, everyone on here and myself, bid you welcome, DB Law!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  And here is the blog's unofficial theme song, "Call Me!"


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