Sunday, March 11, 2018

Good Thing Anaheim Still Has The "Alice In Wonderland Ride," And "Peter Pan Flight!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                             Those remain my two favorite attractions in Disneyland.  I don't why future Disney theme parks did not include the 'Alice' world.  It couldn't have been elaborate than any of the others.

                               What a shame, though, they got rid of the Flying Saucers.  I know times have changed, and what was new then, might seem old today, but, darlings, today those saucer rides would have been really camp!!!!!!!!!!  Like the skating waitresses at Stewart's, which, at one time, I wanted to be.

                                  And really, they are not all that different from the Mad Tea Party Ride, consisting of cups and saucers, in Fantasyland, which is also related to 'Alice.'

                                   Someone really needs to rethink Disney traditions and maintain them.

                                    How about appointing Hayley Mills to the Board Of  Directors???????????

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