Monday, March 12, 2018

We Have A New Reader, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Late yesterday, having done all my writing for the day, I saw the number indicator set at 69.  So, I want to welcome this new reader, whomever that may be.

                                 Glad you found your way onto here, and hope you find things both entertaining and informative.  And, as I say to everyone, this blog goes great with coffee.

                                   While on here, I want to say hello to one of my readers, and a former work colleague, Danielle Cordovez.   I really miss our discussions of Anna Wintour, and can you believe how Jennifer Lawrence looked, on the Oscars!  Tramp!  Oh, my God!

                                     So, welcome, new reader, and here to usher you in, with the blog's unofficial theme song, is Deborah Harry!!!!!!!!!!!


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