Monday, March 12, 2018

Some New Thoughts On "The Sleepover," Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         While sort of skimming through my favorite "Cold Case" episode, a thought occurred to me.  Which I will share with you, in a minute.

                           Take a good look at this shot.  With her eyes alone, Daveigh Chase reveals Ariel Shuman in all her sociopathic danger.

                                As a refresher, "The Sleepover" recounts the sad plight of Rita Baxter, tormented by alpha bitches Brandi Beaudry and Tiffany O' Connell--and haven't we all known versions of them, girls??????  You know I have!  Of course, as Ariel later says, none of us know at the time we live through it; that this time of our lives passes, and we move on.  But that does not excuse Ariel, who turns out to be the biggest bitch of all, selling out her friend, Rita, and then murdering her!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 The memories this brought back to me.  Of, like Rita, being tormented and excluded, by alpha bitches, but now, as Tiffany later says, I don't keep secrets anymore, and I have revealed my truth on here, and have no regrets about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Ariel becomes a doctor, and things catch up to her.  Brandi knows she killed Rita, and so Ariel is forced to comply with Brandi's drug addictive demands, writing out prescriptions whenever the need arises.  Which, in Brandi's case, is a lot.

                                  Yes, Brandi and Tiffany were bitches.  But even they did not stoop to murder.

                                   Yet Ariel did. Which makes her a sociopath.

                                    But--let's just imagine, for a minute?

                                    What would have happened if Rita had not died?

                                     What if Rita killed Ariel?  Possibly in self-defense.

                                      Ariel towered over Rita, who was clearly going to be a late bloomer.  If they had just been positioned differently at Devil's Pool, Rita might have tried to stop Ariel from harming her, and Ariel would have gone over the cliff.

                                       Let's say this happened.  And let's say, Brandi saw this, like she saw Ariel kill Rita.

                                        Would Brandi blackmail Rita?  Even if she had lived, and become a doctor (although I think she would have gone into science research) I don't believe Brandi would have bothered with Rita.  She really did not give Rita a moment's notice.  Ariel sold Rita out by getting Brandi to invite her over to the sleepover.  And Ariel did this so she could fit in more with this clique by betraying Rita.  Had Ariel not been in the picture, Brandi would never have invited Rita.

                                          So, Ariel was a rat from the start.  No wonder Brandi, Tiffany, and Rita, too, found her carrying on annoying. And her excessive neediness!!!!!!!  It would have served her right, had she gone over that cliff.

                                           So, for argument's sake, let us say Ariel did.  Her family, of course, would be upset, but would anyone else????????????

                                             No, because most knew how superficial and pathological Ariel really was.  She might have been able to hide it from her parents, but not her peers.

                                               They all knew.  Even Rita.  Who reached out to her, anyway.

                                                Which is why we all cry for Rita, but would not, had it been Ariel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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