Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Yesterday Was Liza's Birthday, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, What Does One Do??????????????????

                               Well, the first thing to do, in wishing Liza Minnelli a happy birthday,  is to turn to the mirror, strike a Liza pose, and sing--"Mamba si, Mamba se, Mamba coomba!!!!!!!!!"

                                  The second is to have a martini. Or anything alcoholic.

                                   And third, all gays, and girls who read this, should take the day off!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Now, if Liza is looking a little different here, it is because she is now being represented by Christine Pedi, who, I keep saying, is more Liza than Liza herself is, these days??????????

                                      Don't ya just love her??????????????????

                                       Liza, at 72--can you imagine it????????????????

                                        And the Winter Garden is still standing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Here is Liza, when she still could do "Mein Herr," from the chair!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Don't try this at home, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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