Saturday, March 31, 2018

How Did I Miss This One??????????????????

                                      I could not help noticing, on the ID program, "Pandora's Box: Unleashing Evil," that the actress playing Tracey Richter was hot looking, like a dark haired version of Stephanie March.  Someone like that could conceivably lure a victim, but look at the real Tracey!!!!!!!!!!  You have GOT to be kidding me, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       She is evil, as the eyes can tell, but she is no looker.

                                        And, as the story unfolded the other night, I realized I had seen this story before, on another program; most likely "Deadly Women."

                                         Tracey, psycho to the core, had it in for her ex-hubby, due to child custody issues.  She originally pulled a Susan Smith, saying intruders broke into her house, attacked and tried to strangle her.  But, darlings, I noticed right away those ligature marks were in the wrong direction for someone who was strangled from behind.  When the truth finally came out, it revealed the sickness of this woman.

                                         Tracey planned and enacted the whole thing.  There was no intruder, just a victim she lured into her web.  That victim was a young man, Dustin Wehde, who was actually the son of Richter's real estate agent.  Why Dustin did what he did will become sadly apparent.

                                          Susan, who had at one time befriended Dustin, then ditched him, when it became too much trouble to maintain the friendship, invited the young man, then 19, to her home on December 13, 2001.  Presenting him with a pink notebook, she sat him down at a table, and requested he write in the book exactly what she tells him--that he, Dustin had been hired by Richter's ex-husband to kill Richter and her 11-year-old son.

                                             Why this fellow went along with this  will eventually make sense.  Maybe the show I had seen it on forget to mention the fact, or maybe I forgot, but it turns out that Dustin was what was called a Special Needs kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               That is right!  She took advantage of a handicapped young man!!!!!!!!!!
How sick is that??????????????

                                                The poor thing was so grateful for any show of friendship, no wonder he complied.  If Susan had allowed Dustin to walk away, she still would have been a bitch, but not a monster.

                                                  Instead, she lured Dustin up to her bedroom, and shot him with a gun nine times, killing him!!!!!!!!!!  With the children in the house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  This took place in Iowa, but not the Iowa of "The Music Man," darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Richter was convicted, and given a Life Sentence!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   Watch out, darlings!  America's Midwest is not so bucolic, after all!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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