Saturday, March 31, 2018

The Word On The Street Is It's Not So "Loverly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                            Sad to report, girls, but it is true.  I am hearing so much dissatisfaction surrounding the 2018 revival of "My Fair Lady," at Lincoln Center's Vivian Beaumont Theatre that all my initial suspicions are now being confirmed.

                               For one thing, because of this debacle, Lincoln Center is now being called "Stinkin' Center."  And if this show is allowed to open, and flops, that moniker will stick with that place, which I once called home, for a long time to come.

                               Two people are primarily to blame.  Bartlett Sher and Lauren Ambrose.  I have heard reports she is too old for Eliza. and the guy playing Higgins too young.  What then, of Colonel Pickering, I wonder???????????

                                Of those two, Bartlett Sher is the one I blame more. What an egotist!  Despite all his triumphs, many of which I have admired, how can a seemingly straight (though I suspect closeted) man  pull off musical theater?  What do straight men know about musical theater?  I mean, like, shit!!!!!!!!!!

                                 In a way, I feel a bit sorry for Lauren.  Bartlett has got it into his head that she is the greatest thing since sliced bread, and is building up everyone's expectations so high that when the bubble eventually bursts, Bartlett will end up on the Island Of Misguided Directors, like Julie Taymor and Diane Paulus, and Lauren will end up on the Isle of Whatever Became Of...........?"

                                 She is a fine dramatic actress, but if she could not cut it for "Funny Girl," how the hell is she going to reach the heights in "My Fair Lady?"  Of course, the possibility exists that I could be wrong, and she will surprise everyone, but, from what I have seen and heard, I doubt it.

                                  You know what I say?  Keep an eye on whomever is Lauren's understudy.  It has been exactly forty years since Judy Kaye went from understudy to star, thanks to Madeline Kahn's lack of vocal strength for the "On The Twentieth Century" score.  History might very well repeat itself, here.

                                  So, Bartlett and Lauren, dear, enjoy the ride while it lasts.  Because sooner than later, both of you are going to have to kiss your careers goodbye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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