Wednesday, March 14, 2018

It Is A Dark Time For Fashion, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Four days ago, on March 10, one of fashion's great designers, and one of my faves, Hubert de Givenchy, known to all, simply as "Givenchy," passed away at 91.

                               Girls, what are we going to do????????  Yes, Balenciaga and the others still have fashion houses, but, like Givenchy, are deceased.  Michael Koors is still alive?  Are we all going to have to eventually succumb to Ann Taylor?  Oh, my God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 ANNA help us!  You must know some talent out there, beyond my reach!

                                What Givenchy did for Audrey Hepburn and Jackie!  He almost defined fashion for the last century!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Girls, I am telling you, if you have any Givenchy in your closet, hang on to it, because the value is going to go straight up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Meanwhile, I have to go check the labels in my closet!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Mother of Mercy!  Is this the end of glamour?????????????????

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