Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Portrait Of A Loser!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              The statement, "I'm from Missouri," indicates disbelief.  It never indicated pride, and, after seeing "Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri," I can understand why.  Even though the film was shot somewhere deep in the Carolinas, Missouri still got a bum rap.  Yes, darlings, I know there is "Meet Me In St. Louis."  But that is pure MGM fantasy, and thank God for that.

                                Quintin O'Dell is a loser.  He was from the start.  Paula Zahn's story this past Sunday, covering his mini spree, where he murdered his coworker, Alissa Shippert, back on May 31, 2011, actually kept me awake!  The Platte City jerk, who lived with his mother--of course, typical serial killer behavior!!!!!!--was obsessed with Alissa.  About five months before, the day after Christmas, he attacked, with intent to kill, a  woman he had known in high school, to the point where he cut her up.  She survived, with her intestines hanging out.

                                  I kept asking myself, because the show did not answer, what brought him to this point?  After all, serial killers aren't born, but made.

                                    Quintin--not Quentin, like Mr. Tarentino, who can only be blamed for tasteless movies!!!!!!!--was a loser from the start.  But, as upsetting as this may sound, and meaning no disrespect, so were Alissa and this woman.  Alissa is 22 years old, and working the cash register in a convenience store, in her hometown?  And the other, still living in Ferreiview???????????

                                       Girls, why are you still living such a Podunk life?  Better you flee to the cities, where, despite bigger populations, you have less chance of meeting scum like this.

                                         I am not saying Alyssa deserved being raped, and chopped up with a hatchet, while fishing, or the other women deserved having her intestines ripped out.

                                           But, for God's sake, girls, get out of MO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          As for Quintin, just look at him.  Dead devil's eyes, wanting only two things--murder and pussy!  When the latter is denied him, because he is so damn ugly and trashy, he kills!  Nice!

                                           You can just tell what kind of upbringing he had.  Shanty Irish Southern White Trash!  Dad is some blue collar moron with a temper, who lashes out at Mom, who clings to her rosary and tells herself she is loved.  Does nothing to protect her kid, even after Dad possibly walks out.  Quintin grows up in an abusive house, and turns into an abuser, starting with animals, and then, once those overactive (because I believe the sexual hormones of a male serial killer are more rampant) hormones kick in, moving on to girls for sex, but, being too much of a reject, gets turned down all the time, and turns to killing.

                                              In the program Sunday night, though it was not disclosed, police said there was evidence he was targeting another victim, but the name was not revealed.  If you ask me, the police should look into any unsolved murders or attacks prior to Alyssa.  Bet Quintin was behind those.

                                                 Well, Quintin is behind bars, where he belongs.  He was caught at the start of what would have been an iconic serial killer career.  Which only he would have been proud of.

                                                    But, girls, I am telling you, if you are born into a Podunk town in a Podunk state, get the hell outta there as soon as you can!  Scum is everywhere, but it is especially good at hiding in small towns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      Stay outta Missouri!   A state of losers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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