Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Two Other Examples Of Class, At The Oscars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            The program has now been designated an all-time low in the ratings.  How much farther can it sink?  Why doesn't someone change the tired format?  No wonder no one wants to host the Oscars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             It was easy to focus on the trash, as there was so much there.  But two class omissions were overlooked, and I apologize.

                              The first was Eva Marie Saint, early in the show.  Now, I expect my girls to know exactly who she is, but I think the reason her clip as Edie Doyle in "On The Waterfront" was shown was because most of that audience would not otherwise have known who she was.

                               Not only was the gown great, but so was Eva Marie!  Can you believe this woman has crossed the threshold of 90, and she does not look or sound it.  Contrast this with the year poor Fay Wray was dragged to the ceremonies, lifted from her chair, with a look that distinctly said, "Wha--?," indicating she had no idea where she was, or why.  Eva Marie was the sharpest old timer there.

                                Only by virtue of "Romeo And Juliet"/"West Side Story," which almost everyone studies, or gets exposed to, in that horror show called high school, folks knew something of Rita Moreno's reputation.  Another oldster who looked great--and--get this, girls--she was wearing either the exact same, or a knock-off of, the dress she wore the night she won her Best Supporting Actress Oscar for "West Side Story!"  And she still looks becoming in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Which only goes to show that the likes of Jennifer Lawrence and Nicole Kidman have no idea how to dress!  Get more pros like Rita and Eva Marie on the show, and there might be a program!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   And I have still not forgiven the omission of Heather Menzies during the "In Memoriam" segment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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