Wednesday, April 4, 2018

A Tale Of Two Lucys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Lucy Edwards, and Lucy Harbin.  I just LOVE them both.  And Lucy Ricardo, though she does not figure in this post.

                           After musing on "The Searchers" for as long as I have been, I thought--what if you switched each Lucy from their respective film, and into the other's?   What would the results be?

                           Let's start with Lucy Edwards, played by Pippa Scott.  Her presence in "The Searchers" is key, but brief.  What would happen if you placed her in "Strait-Jacket?"

                            Well, darlings, for one thing, it would turn a William Castle film into a Hallmark Hall Of Fame drama.  Without fear to override her, Lucy Edwards, as Carol, would be the sweetest thing, and not the duplicitous bitch Diana Baker was.  Lucy Edwards would fool even the Fields, who would override Lucy Harbin's low social origins, and consent to allow Lucy Edwards to marry their son.  Who would inherit the farm, and they would have a gaggle of kids.

                              With, as I have said before, Lucy and Mrs. Harbin becoming fast friends, going out one night a week each, to bang every buck in that town.

                                "Strait-Jacket," with Lucy Edwards, in it, would become almost as charming as "Moonstruck!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                 Now, what if Joan, as Lucy Harbin, were put into "The Searchers?"

                                 Anyone who has seen "Johnny Guitar" has sort of an idea.  But let me go further.

                                 Forget John Wayne!  With Lucy Harbin on the frontier, there would be no need for him, and when Ethan comes to visit, Lucy Harbin would make that clear, right away.  Ethan would have his visit, then be seen no more.

                                  As for the famous raid, it simply would  not have happened.  Joan would have faced the Comanches on the front porch, and, once they saw her, in her Forties regalia, bracelets and necklaces dangling, making all sorts of noise, they would have been stopped in their tracks.  They would not know how to deal with a force such as this, Lucy Harbin would blast them off the property, as the Comanches would be so amazed her make-up outdoes theirs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    With the Indians gone, and everyone alive, Lucy Harbin's next task would be to fix up Debbie--be it Lana or Natalie--by dressing them in some ravishing Adrian gowns, not some faux frontier garb brought at some Southwestern gift shop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Of course, "The Searchers" would have been more of a movie short, then!  But just as iconic!

                                        Too bad Lucy Harbin could not have wandered into "Mildred Pierce."  Veda would never have taken Monte, then, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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