Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Mother Of Mercy!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is The Apocalypse Upon Us????????????????

                              Like I said, darlings, April seems to be the cruelest month, and it keeps getting more so.  The latest word on the street is that ANNA--Anna Wintour, that is--may be leaving "VOGUE."  I have talked already about the dearth of glamour in this town; should this occur, we are done for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                I know, I know, I do my best, but there is only so much that I can do.  I do not have the power of ANNA!

                                 The good news is that nothing has been confirmed. ANNA has mentioned leaving the post, following her daughter's wedding, this Summer, but Conde Nast has not confirmed this, saying it does not want to lose ANNA, or has any intention of letting her go.

                                   I mean, who would take over this coveted role?  Lee is a bit too old, and I am not qualified.  MERYL still has an acting career, and Grace Coddington has retired.

                                    Any successor could NOT top ANNA.  Oh, I know the same was said about Diana Vreeland, but then along came ANNA.

                                     Unless there is some fashion genius out there that ANNA knows about, and that she selects herself, fashion in this town is done for, after ANNA leaves.  Manhattan will become as provincial as any Midwestern city!  Culture mavens will vacate.  But, to where?

                                       Let us pray, darlings, this does not happen.

                                       But, just for the best, start appraising those designer duds in your closet, right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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