Monday, April 30, 2018

A Very Special Birthday Party, On Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  This was an event, not to be missed.  At world famous Paws Truly pet goods store, on Third Avenue and 76th Street, in Bay Ridge, David and I just HAD to go to the double party, celebrating both Seamus' and Sparky's birthdays.

                                    That is Seamus, and my readers have seen him on here before. He is as lovable as he looks, and while Michael and Deirdre Butler, who run the store, and hosted the party, do all the work, Seamus is the star, crowd pleaser, and really runs the show.  He is so good natured. I just love him.

                                      Now, Sparky, I know, feels a bit upstaged by Seamus.  She, who turned 21, sits in a cage near the back of the store.  At first, Sparky, a parrot, and smaller than what I am used to seeing, was very reserved with me.  But now, she and I are bonding, like I did with my beloved Bacci. She takes food from me, and when I go up to the cage, listens carefully to what I say, and trills at me, as though carrying on a conversation.  Once, she even said "Hello!" to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       I tried to give Sparky equal time Saturday, as the party was at the store's front, and Seamus, being quite mobile and agile, can navigate the space.  Sparky can't, so when she squawked for some attention, I gave her some.

                                        As David said, this party was the unofficial start of the Summer season!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Interestingly, on Sunday morning, just before we headed out the door for yesterday's excursions, which were something, our resident nun of choice, Sister Camille D'Arienzo, did a lovely commentary on how comforting animals can be to us.  She mentioned the comfort a cat gave her, while her sister was hospitalized, and she honored this in all animals, service, or otherwise.

                                         Well, Sister Camille, I don't know if you have been reading this blog, or not, but I can concur the amount of comfort I have gotten from so many animals in this neighborhood, who seem to recognize when I am blue, particularly during my father's passing, and offered me support and affection.  Even Cujo, the boxer I adore on 77th Street, whom I had not seen since before Christmas, made a special appearance during this time.  It was like he knew to come out on his terrace to console me.

                                            Saturday's party was a blast!  Seamus had his share of cookies, and Sparky had some crackers.  Love and happiness to them both!

                                             And to all animals, who help and console!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                         I have GOT to get a picture of Sparky on here, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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