Monday, April 30, 2018

Nothing Beats Seeing A Beloved Film With A Kindred Audience!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Let me confess, I have never been to the Film Forum so early!

                             David and I left our home at 9AM on a Sunday morning--when I am usually crawling out of bed to the kitchen, for a cup of coffee--and were seated at approximately ten thirty that morning, while a virtually packed house awaited a screening of "The Wizard Of Oz."

                              And not just one screening.  Knowing the film would draw folks in droves, the Film Forum scheduled another screening, at 11:15 AM, to pacify everyone.

                               Smart move!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Our audience was ripe for the viewing.

                                 The lights went down.  The screen was black.  Suddenly, the image of the roaring MGM lion filled the screen, and then those magic words--


                                        At which point the audience did exactly what was expected--burst out into applause, raucous whistles, and cheers.  I knew I was seeing this film with a kindred audience.

                                         They did all the right things--

                                          Silently applauded after "Over The Rainbow."

                                           Booed when Miss Gulch first appears.

                                           Cheered when Toto escapes from the basket.

                                            Laughed when Toto snatches Professor Marvel's hot dog!

                                            Laughed at Professor Marvel's two famous lines--regarding the
Crown Heads of Europe--"Do you know any?' and reminding Dorothy her aunt's name is

                                              Gasping when the cyclone finally sets down Dorothy's house.

                                              Same when that door opens and the color floods in.

                                              Clapping upon Bert Lahr's entrance as the Cowardly Lion.

                                              Cheering when the Witch melts.

                                               Tears upon Dorothy's departure, and final line.

                                               A tumultuous burst of thanks filled applause, at the end!
                              It went exactly as a "Wizard Of Oz" screening should go.  We were joined by my friends Audrey, and Ruby, her daughter, both of whom, I believe, were seeing it on the big screen for the first time. I believe I heard Ruby comment how overwhelmed she was by the size of the images.

                              The audience was mostly adult, but some did bring children.  The best comment came from one of them.  When Miss Gulch was taking away Toto, and some kids were getting upset, a little girl down front cried out, "Don't worry; Toto will be all right!"

                               Few films captivate an audience like this one.  To think it turns 80, next year!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               We all just started the celebration a year early!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                      


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