Monday, April 23, 2018

Did Cucumbo Invent The Drone??????????????????

                            I always thought Cucumbo, the star of the 1956 classic, "It Conquered The World," defied gender.  Sure, there was these things coming out from under his veggie dress, but if the creature had been female, it would have been named "Cucumbette!"

                             But, really, look at this baby thing.  The eyes suggest a baby Cucumbo, and while it may look cute here, there is nothing cute about when it flies into action.

                              Which caused me to notice the resemblance to today's drones, and wondered--were they invented by Cucumbo????????????

                                Poor Cucumbo!  If any monster on the AIP lot deserved a second movie, it was he!!!!!!!!!!!!  And now, no royalties, for having invented the drone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Cucumbo, you wuz robbed!  File a lawsuit immediately!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Every man its prisoner, every woman its slave lol


  2. I have always wanted to have a dinner
    party, and, as a salad, make for each
    guest, miniature Cucumbos!!!!!!!!!!!
