Monday, April 23, 2018

I Want My Own Collection Of Legionaire Stauetttes!!!!!!!!! With The Sixties Costumes I Remember!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Color reigned supreme in the DC Comics of my Sixties childhood.  And it was never put into better use than in designing the costumes for the Legion Of Super-Heroes!!!!!!!!!!

                              Back when he was in Smallville, Superboy had all these statues in his basement. When they all lit up, that meant he was being summoned to the 30th Century, to help the legion with an assignment.

                               I most wanted to be Lightning Lad.  It was the combine of red hair, blue and orange and gold, and that cape!!!!!!!!!  And to have electric bolts flashing from my hands, at will.

                              But I went for the most colorful costumes, of course--Saturn Girl, Cosmic Boy (pink, darlings!!!!!!!!!), Element Lad (who was gay!), Sun Boy, and, of course, Saturn Girl!!!!!!!!!!

                               When the legion was modernized, it lost its charm.  And I loved Shrinking Violet's fashion green, and necklace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 How I would love to these statuettes for myself!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 But, then, Baby Gojira might get jealous.  No one is as colorful as he!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Element Lad was gay? In the 1960s that must have been controversial!


  2. Victoria,

    Element Lad was not gay, in the Sixties.
    Several years ago, DC announced some of their heroes
    were going to come out as gay. They started with the
    Justice League. I was hoping there it would be
    Aquaman, whom I had the hots for. But they chose
    Green Lantern.

    When it came to the Legion Of Super-Hereoes, I
    guessed Element Lad for several reasons. He was
    blond, good looking, with that pink and white
    costume, and he was the lone survivor of a planet
    that had been wiped out be space criminals.
