Sunday, April 22, 2018

I Just Love Jake, The Dog, On The "Seresto" Commericial!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Jake is the latest commercial performer to capture my heart. He is so cute.  He just loves bringing neighbors' trophies to his owner.

                                He looks almost as sweet as my Cujo!!!!!!!!!  If only Cujo had gotten this job.  He could do it!

                                But Jake is so adorable.  Who wouldn't love him?

                                 He has a big career ahead of him!

                                 Maybe he could appear with Amy Sedaris!  Or Colbert!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Here is an excerpt with Jake.  Seresto should put diamonds on its flea collars!!!!!!!!!


  1. Aww my little yorkie would steal your heart; she wore her sequined Birthday Collar yesterday.


  2. I would love to see a pic of that.
    Yorkies are so cute!

  3. I love Jake.Every time I see the commercial I smile.I love the voiceover too. His overbite so cute.I am a dog lover,husky shepherd,lived 17 years

  4. Unknown,

    Am also a dog lover.
    Don't own, but friends with
    all the ones in the neighborhood.
    One is the sweetest huky named
    Mellow. A hug from him just
    makes my day!

    Yes, Jake is delightful. A rising star!

  5. Love Jake! This is the best commercial I have seen in a long time. Love Jake's gifts to his owner. He is the greatest!


  6. Jake is the greatest!
    He is so cute and charming.
    I love whenever he appears!

  7. This is one of the best commercials I have ever seen......A dog who brings trophies to his master........Simply adorable! I could watch it over and over again. It makes my day.


  8. Unknown,
    They started re-airing the Jake commercials
    in my area. He reminds me of a boxer in my
    neighborhood, who the family calls Ares, but
    I call Cujo, When I call him that, he
    answers to it! And he is so lovable!

  9. Love this commercial with Jake, smile every time it comes on, so cute.


  10. Unknown,
    Just saw the Jake commercial last night.
    His cuteness just cheers me up!

    1. Love jake!!! I can have the worst day but when I see this commercial I melt. Can't get enough!!!


  11. Unknown,
    Yes, every time I see Jake,
    he perks me up!

  12. I absolutely love Jake, he's so adorable..he just has this sweet, cute way with that overbite to bring his little love gifts

  13. Unknown,

    Jake is the best. He is a major commercial star.

  14. I love Jake, the expressions on his face are priceless. The best commercial ever. He always makes me smile no matter how many times I see it. So refreshing and fun..💃


  15. Unknown,
    I always feel good, when I see Jake.
    He reminds me of my real life neighborhood
    friend, Cujo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. My husband & I love Jake, we think he is the sweetest dog. Never get tired of seeing the Soresto Comercial.


  17. Unknown,

    Jake is the sweetest. I never miss one
    of his commericals!

    Thanks for sharing!

  18. I thought I was the only one who loved that commercial for Jake. What a gorgeous animal! And how proud he seems to be, presenting the items to his human; he looks at her so adoringly. I WANT JAKE! Frank


  19. Unknown,

    Whenever I see Jake's commercial,
    his presence brightens up my day!

  20. I’m so glad you all love him so much. His name is Jack, he lives in Vermont, and will be 8 next month. @jack_daniel_boxer He is the best guy and my heart dog


  21. Nina,

    Are you Jack's owner! I love
    him, as Jake,, and would never
    have thought him 8! He looks so
    young and healthy. My best
    to you both!

  22. I thought I was the only one who noticed how great Jake is.


  23. Unknown,

    Oh, no! Many on here just LOVE him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. I watch jake everytime I need a smile. I love this commercial. Seresto she have hom on every commercial they make. Jake made sorrento!! Whete is jake now ?

  25. Jack/Jake is 9 1/2 and still healthy and strong!! We are entering Westminster agility this year in June. Growing a few grey whiskers... thanks for loving him like we do. Cheers, his human and trainer, Nina Daniel

  26. Unkown,
    I wish Jake would return, too.

  27. Nina Daniel,

    Glad to hear he is all right. Hope
    he does well at Westminister. He is a
    trooper and a sweetheart! I just love

  28. What happened to Jake on serato commercial I dont like it now you took him off


  29. Unknown,
    If you look at oone of the
    other comments on here, you
    will find the answer. I too,
    though miss Jake, and wish he
    was doing more commericals!
