Sunday, April 22, 2018

Wish We Could All Look This Good, Talking On The Phone, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            That, of course, is Gloria Grahame.  I don't know the movie this is from, but who cares, when she looks this good?

                               I try my best to look this way whenever I chat on the phone, but sometimes it is hard for us mortals who aren't Gloria.  Truth to tell, girls, I am glad land line phones don't have features where we can be seen.  I would look less like Gloria, and more like a nightmare!

                                 But the truth is, it would cut down on phone sex, revealing truths no civilized person would want to see?  Like geriatrics getting their jollies?????????  Ewwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!

                                  No, I will stick to looking like Gloria!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  And those shoes!  Aren't they fabulous???????

                                 But, then, Gloria had the legs to go with them!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I'll face time with my grandsons, but that's about it. Pollen season has my face all red and blotchy. I know, people are faced with far worse challenges. Boo-hoo, poor me lol


  2. Victoria,
    Yes, the allergy season gets me!
    I break out in hives, which is why I
    always keep Benadryl in the house!
