Monday, April 30, 2018

"I Spy" With My Little Eye....A Sexual Predator!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Girls, I am telling you, I never swallowed all that publicity pap about Bill Cosby.
From "I Spy," to those nauseating Jello-Pudding commercials, to that phonier than thou sitcom he dominated air waves with for a time--and I always felt sorry for Phylicia Rashad, as I always felt she knew the truth--I never bought into his holier than thou image.  I had a sense trouble was lurking somewhere.

                              It was, and it came out. And justice was done, in, of all places, Norristown, PA.  Which, of all things, I happen to know, being that I is where David and I bus into when visiting my sister, in nearby Audubon.

                               Norristown is a den of vice and corruption.  You should see the drug addicts, dealers, and prostitutes hanging out at the bus station, evenings when we pull in.  Not that these folk cannot be found at most bus stations across America, but I find this one especially isolating and creepy.  No good can come from staying there too long.

                                 So, it was highly apt that this celebrity was brought down in a place like this.  The cult of celebrity did no good here; justice over rode it.  I don't know what is  in store for Cosby next.  I am not sure if he will see a prison cell.  I hope he does, but even if not, he forever stands convicted of sexual assault.  He is a predator.  Will he have to register as a sex offender?  I am not sure how young his youngest victim was.

                                  Cosby was a phony from the start.  Now, America finally knows it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Take your medicine, and choke on it, Bill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. So sad to hear about the decline of Norristown.
    We used to go to the Norristown Zoo, back in the day.


  2. Victoria,
    I don't recall my sister
    ever mentioning the Norristown zoo.
    But, yes, when we ride into it to
    get off the bus from NYC, or go
    back, it is a rather scary place.
