Monday, April 30, 2018

This Looks Like Me, After This Weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          No, dears,  I did not go on a bender, like Blanche Du Bois.  But I am certainly feeling my age,  It has been ages since  I had a weekend like this last--going, going,  and now I feel so GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!  There was a time, thirty, even twenty, years before, when such weekends were, if not so much the norm, things I could easily bounce back from, bounding into the workplace on Monday with energy to spare.  Now, at my age, I am hunched over this computer, exhausted, bleary eyed, and am about to give you an account of all that transpired.

                           Thank God I am retired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           So stay tuned for the next several posts.  If I can write them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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