Thursday, April 19, 2018

Sick White Supremacist Bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Recently, a commentator on one of my ID posts, voiced White Supremacist views, to which I suggested he retreat back into his trailer where he lives with his mother, and piss across the room, into a beer can, on a cluttered coffee table, while staring at the Confederate flag posted on the wall in front of him.

                              To a point, I was being sarcastic.  But, when finished reading my post on the Williams Brothers-this week's winners of The Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award--readers will see I was more truthful than I thought.

                                 The brothers came, interestingly, not from the South, or Staten Island, but Palo Cedro, California.  Hey, the state housed the Manson Family, why not White Supremacists??????

                                Matthew and Tyler Williams were losers from the start.  They were raised in a fundamentalist Christian household--mistake number one!--where neighbors said they heard sermons and religious music loud enough to be heard outside.

                                 Interestingly, the boys were not dumb.  Until high school, they were home schooled--mistake number two!!!!!!!!!!!  Of course, their parents espoused White Supremacist views, so I was surprised to hear they went to high school.  And were honor students?  In what?  Vocational Ed?

                                  Matthew, the more dominant of the two, actually made it to the University of Idaho.  In high school, the boys' parents prohibited them from participating in extracurricular activities.  Matthew, in college, became a real horn dog, serving a stint in the Navy, and fooling around with a woman named Kimberly Rodgers.  The two had a daughter, but the couple went their separate ways, as Kimberly refused to marry him.

                                    Smart move, Kimberly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     While at Idaho, Matthew fell in with a group called the Living Faith Fellowship.  Now, get this, girls!  He became so obsessed with what was called diet purification he would inspect both his and his brother's bowel movements, each day!  Sick, right!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       This shows some deep seated, repressed interests. Makes me wonder if the two had an incestuous relationship!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         According to their father's proclamation of it being "God's orders," the family moved to Redding, CA.  Here, Matthew lost interest in the Living Faith Fellowship, and took up White Supremacy and anti-Semitism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  But he did not lose interest in bowel movement inspection!!!!!!!!!  Oh, no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Armed with this political rhetoric, Matthew, who, some said, had homosexual leanings, and his completely dominated brother, Tyler,  went on a crime spree.  On June 18, 1999, they set fire to three Sacramento synagogues--Congregation B'nai Israel, Congregation Beth Shalom, and Knesset Israel Torah Center!!!!!!!!!!!  They were charged with these acts of arson on March 17, 2000, as well as the July 2, 1999 fire of the County Club Medical Center, which contained an abortion clinic within its walls.

                                        But the piece de resistance came on July 1, 1999.  As far as the fires went, no one was killed.  But that stopped on July 1, 1999, when the brothers murdered, in their beds, a local gay couple, Gary Madson and Winfield Mower, whom the boys knew through association within the community of their landscaping business. Apparently, the couple also worked in the field.

                                        The brothers knew the couple was gay, and, apparently, that was enough to justify their killing them.  They broke out into the couples' home in--get this!!!!!--Happy Valley, CA, and shot them, in bed, while they slept. Neither had a chance!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         The brothers, in September of 2001, were sentenced to prison for the arson. Matthew got 30 years, while Tyler got 21.  But trouble followed them.

                                         On November 17, 2002, Matthew hanged himself in his cell.  Two days before the suicide, Matthew mailed a note to Tyler's lawyer, insisting he was responsible for killing "the two perverts!"  Look who is calling the kettle black!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Tyler was ultimately given a 50 year sentence--the 21 years for the arson, plus another 29 for the murders of Matson and Mowder.  Too bad the case did not go to trial.  He might have gotten the death penalty!!!!!!!!!!!!  Which I would have advocated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Scum like this exists everywhere.  These sick siblings are where they belong--one, at least, dead.  The other will never see the light of day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Sick, scatological things!  You were the REAL perverts, bitches!!!!!!!!!!


  1. That is disgusting. And don't think it can't get even more weird and depressing; it is only a matter of time.
    God help us all.


  2. Victoria,
    I agree with you, and dread what is next.
    I just found out on Playbill that a play/musical--
    not sure which--is opening at the Public. It is
    called "Teenage Dick."

    If the material is good, are such attention
    tactics really necessary.

    I think that is disgusting, too!
