Thursday, April 19, 2018

Welcome Back, Stephanie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           The 'SVU' episode, last night, was called "Sunk Cost Fallacy," but I could have cared less.  What counted for last night, and I am sure I am not alone here, was the return of Stephanie March as retired ADA Alex Cabot.

                            Stephanie looked great.  And Alex was powerful.

                             And she is the Alex I would so like to be.  As much as I advocate against the White Supremacists, child and spouse abusers, I do nothing beyond posting on here.  Alex, who began volunteering at a women's shelter--it was not established where she is now living--has joined an underground rogue network involved in getting abused women and children away from spouses who are cunning or wealthy enough to get away with it.  Even if it means staging fake deaths.

                            Which is what happened last night. And when Olivia and Alex clashed, and downy dog Olivia gives that old adage about not breaking the law, I applauded when Alex bust out, "Why the hell not?"  Passion was back on 'SVU," in Stephanie March's heated performance.  Philip Winchester, as Peter Stone, doesn't stand a chance, against her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Alex should look into the whole Noah situation.  Now, there is a story!!!!!!!!!

                              It was like the show got a blood transfusion, last  night, thanks to Stephanie March!!!!!!!!!

                              And when she walked into the mist, last night, at the end, I fervently prayed she would come back.

                              In just one appearance, Stephanie demonstrated both what is wrong with the show, and how to remedy it.

                              Bring back Alex,  and her transfused passion, and eliminate the I-don'--give-a-shit chronicling of Olivia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             As a Stephanie advocate, I say BRAVO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. She was great, it was good to see her again.


  2. I hope we see more of her.
    She livened things up, and looks
    great. I love her hair!
