Saturday, April 7, 2018

This Dish Is SO Distinctly Middle Class!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Does anyone make this anymore?  I am talking about Hawaiian ham and pineapple casserole.  I first saw it referenced on the 2005 "Cold Case" episode, "A Perfect Day" (aka "The Choice"), one of the most heartbreaking in the series. When we first discover Roger Mulvaney is the abusive spouse and parent, in the mid- Sixties, the family is being served this dish.

                                 I can tell you, this dish was never served at my house.

                                 As I said, probably in the Midwest it would be considered distinctly Middle Class.

                                 In my hometown, only the denizens of Goat Alley would eat it. And probably made with SPAM.

                                  And, of course, in the South, it would be called plain White Trash cooking!!!!!!!!

                                   Dig in, y'all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Never had it but it sounds ghastly.


  2. I agree, Victoria.
    Combining ham and pineapple
    was big during my Sixties childhood.
    I never understood why--maybe the
    sweet and salty combine?

    In any case, we never had it.
    Ham, yes, but not this way!
