Thursday, April 12, 2018

What Is It With These Child Killers??????????????????

                                  Yes, girls, I am back from where I have been, which will, I hope, be touchingly  covered, in the next post.  But, today being Thursday, I thought I would jump right in, with this week's winner of The Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   This sicko's name is Joseph Ray Daniels.  Can you believe, darlings, he is only 28?  He looks twice that.  Shows what White Trash living does for you. And, boy is this guy trash!!!!!!!!!!!!

        He had a  lovely five-year-old son, named Joe Clyde Daniels, who also happened to be autistic.  No motive has been given for the killing, which police believe took place in the Daniels' home, sometime late Tuesday, the third, or Wednesday the fourth.  After killing the child, he hid the body in the home for several days, then transported it to a hidden place.

                                       Murder during Holy Week?????????y This guy will burn!  Seriously!!!!!!

                                      He does not have to state a motive, because it is perfectly clear.  He killed the child because he was an inconvenience.  Daniels could not be bothered with the extra responsibilities that go with raising a special needs child, which he probably felt reflected badly on his manhood. What manhood, you pig?????????  You are not much to look at!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Then he pulled a Susan Smith, saying the child had gone missing, with residents of the neighborhood in Dickson County, Tennessee, looking for the boy.

                                         Prior to this incident, police had been called to the home, with reports the child had wandered off.  But he was always found.  You know what was going on, then, though why the dumb cops did not figure out, I'll never know, is that Daniels was pulling the old "Hansel And Gretel" routine, leaving the child somewhere, abandoning him, hoping something would happen, and he would get off  free.  When that did not work, he resorted to murder.

                                         My motive theory is strengthened by the knowledge that Daniels has two other boys, ages 3 and 8.  None of them were killed, because they were probably Grade A Normal, All American, ready to be inducted into the White Supremacist Movement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Those boys have been placed with relatives.  Another mistake.  They should have been placed with Child Services.

                                            What I don't hear anything about on here is Daniels' wife!  Or maybe there wasn't one; perhaps each boy was mothered by a different woman. Whomever gave birth to Joe Clyde, should come forward, because if she does not, this dumb bitch is just as guilty as Daniels of murdering this poor child.

                                               Dumb, Tennessee Hillbilly trash!  Well, Daniels will realize how dumb he was, once he lands in the slammer.  where inmates don't like child killers, and will tear this bitch apart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  I say, "Good riddance!"  Hey, Daniels, put a rubber on that overactive, ugly, sick cock of yours!  Say bye to it, once in prison!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  This bitch deserves every injustice he inflicted on his poor, innocent son!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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