Sunday, May 13, 2018

Do NOT Touch Anything In Penn Station!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 I had a friend who used to refer to Port Authority Bus Terminal as "the arm pit of the Universe."  It is hardly a class joint, but Penn Station is not that far behind.

                                  Yesterday found us there, because going by train was the fastest way to get to Chatham, where Marilyn, of Linda and Marilyn, was being given an 85th birthday party by her daughter Hallie and husband, Jay.  The party was fabulous, but Penn Station, oh my God!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    First, they are renovating the bathrooms. Or have, since God knows when.  On our last trip out there, we had to endure the indignity of walking far outside the station, practically onto the street, and using an especially annoying route, involving being corralled like cows to the  corral, use metal, street constructed comfort stations.  You know, like those cheap, sleazy thing at amusement park!!!!!!!!!!!  Can you believe this??????  Would Jackie and Lee put up with this!!!!!!!
Girls, I am telling you, do not touch anything!  Do NOT even think of sitting down!  Do not even look at anyone!  Just do what one must, and get the hell out of there!

                                      Even the homeless avoid these traps!  I am telling you, one is actually safer, and healthier, ducking into a back alley!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     What happened to custodial care?  Because, when I walked down the stairs to where we were to await boarding our train, I held onto a railing, my hand touched something, and, I swear to God, it was boogers!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I did not even stop to look, just found a drinking fountain, doused a napkin, and washed my hand!!!!!!!!!!  Boogers in Penn Station!!!!!!!!!!!  What is the world coming to?????????????????????

                                       The luxurious fantasy  of the days of the Twentieth Century Ltd. belongs forever to the musical theater past!  If a musical today were done about train travel, it would have to be done in some grunge Brooklyn rant place,  or stage littered with set designed filth!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          How creative, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Gross. So sorry you were subjected to that.
    I would have screamed.


  2. Victoria,
    It just how careless and classless
    things have become. People used
    to take pride in how clean a place
    like Penn could be. Now, no
    one cares!
