Sunday, May 13, 2018

"Tangerine!!!!!!!!!!!" It Is The Only One!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Forget what Joyce Carol Oates says.  The Donna Tartt connection only involves the two female characters having gone to Bennington College, in Vermont.  And Gillian Flynn, forget it!  The future of thrillers belongs to Christine Mangan, who is more in the camp of Patricia Highsmith.  Indeed, "Tangerine" reads like "The Talented Mr. Ripley," where Ripley is a female.

                                         This novel gets into all kinds of territory--college girl shenanigans, lesbianism, "Single White Female'--you name it.  The surprise is that Mangan's writing is so strong it all seems fresh and spontaneous.

                                            And Lucy Mason is no Lucy Snow.  Miss Snow is the heroine of Charlotte Bronte's best novel, "Villette."  Which most people, unfortunately,  have not read.

                                             But do not underestimate Alice Shipley.  She is a match for Lucy, and while I cannot reveal the outcome, it does pave the way for a sequel, if Mangan would care to write one.  And watch out for Aunt Maude, who is as gullible as Monica Breedlove, in "The Bad Seed."

                                               Were I Christine Mangan,  I would just revel right now in the glow of having written the most clever thriller of the year.  This could be a contender for my end of year list.  We shall see.

                                                 Hey, Christine--if you read this--I am one who is fascinated with 18th Century Gothic literature, as well.  Please share with me the novels you perused in doing your thesis.  I would love to read some of those!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    Gothic in Gotham!  That's me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I knew she was a fan of Jane Eyre and the Bronte sisters; recently read an interview where she recommends some lesser-known titles.
    Behind a Mask
    My Cousin Rachel
    Picnic at Hanging Rock
    The Little Stanger
    The Icarus Girl
    They don't sound particularly gothic to me but I'm curious

  2. I saw her at a conference at Walpole's Strawberry Hill discussing the Northanger Horrid Novels which I believe she was focusing her Phd thesis on.


  3. Victoria,
    Two of the titles I know as films
    "My Cousin Rachel" is Daphne du Maurier.
    It was filmed recently, but done originally
    in 1953 with Richard Burton and Olivia de
    Havilland. "Picnic At Haniging Rock" was
    done by Peter Weir in 1979. But I want
    to read all the books you listed.


  4. Ron,
    I have started my research already.
    The novels consist of eight or nine
    titles. They are collected only
    on Kindle, and the paperbacks have
    to be ordered individually from
    an obscure publishing company. I
    will report on my findings!
