Sunday, May 13, 2018

This Situation Raises The Desperation Of Spinsterhood To The Highest Level It Can Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Blanche and Miss Alma were not even in the same ball park as Jacqueline Ades.  And, in some ways, she even outdoes Glenn Close as Alex Forest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Just look at that face.  Look into the eyes.  Beneath them lies the veneer of a troubled woman.

                                    The trouble started a year ago, when Ades, now 31, had a date with an unidentified man--and I don't blame him, for wanting to stay that way--in Arizona.  Immediately she leapt upon this poor guy, saying they were soul mates, a fact which he did not see.  To be sure, there was no second date.  Instead, over the course of a year, this woman sent to him 65,000 texts, sometimes at the rate of 500 a day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       She also made anti-Semitic remarks--I presume the man is Jewish--and said she was the new Hitler!  Oh, yeah?  Where is the moustache??????????????

                                         With even more glee, she said she wanted to--I kid you, not, girls!!!!!!--wear his body parts, and taste his blood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           I hope you are thinking what I am!  Bat Shit Crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Which nevertheless makes her fascinating, in spite of the danger she presents to society and herself.

                                               So, I ask questions!  Does she even work?  Or is stalking their job, as these types spend so much time at it? Still, they have to take care of themselves, somehow.  Or be able to move about in society as though they are capable.

                                                 Ades may have been docile for a time.  I do not know her back story, but I would love to.  Something in this guy she dated only once triggered her.  And something in her told him to have the good sense to run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  It will take more than a rocking chair or cat to calm this spinster. How about a padded cell???????????????

                                                    I see an ID or 'SVU' episode in the offing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Mercy. Is it really that hard for people to act like decent human beings,


  2. Victoria,

    It just shows more mentally
    ill walk among us than we know.
    I bet she has refused help, as
    she sees nothing wrong.
