Saturday, May 26, 2018

I Cannot Believe I Do Not Remember This Case!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             The 1984 murder of Teresa Benigno by her scumbag hubby, Dr. Kenneth Zachary Taylor, was enough to generate a New York Times article by Peter Maas (best known for the book "Serpico," which became one  of Al Pacino's signature roles) as well as the book and film that came forth from this article--"In A Child's Name."  The story is as much about a custody struggle, as it is for murder.

                              Parts of this movie have to be seen to be believed.  Joanna Merlin, as a Staten Island Italian housewife???????????  A pre-Elliot Stabler Chris Meloni with what is obviously a hair piece, making him less becoming than just being bald.  And Michael Ontkean--what ever happened to him?--whose take on Taylor is so sketchy--an ex-porno jock who is so preoccupied with his body he exercises over everything else, and has the equipment right in the bedroom.  This made me wonder if he was some sort of closet case, too.  But, as the story makes clear, he is a narcissist, a spouse abuser, and, as one military psychologist diagnosed him, "a homicidal maniac."

                              He meets Teresa when she is a hygienist in his dental office, turns on the charm that these types, do,  and carries on with her, while still married to Marilyn.  The actress who plays this role, is cagey; when questioned about her husband's behavior, she gives him glowing notices---but you can see fear in her eyes.  Because, though eventually married to Teresa, this bastard still occasionally sleeps with her, and, again, on his part it is control, on hers fear--that he will harm both she and her daughter.

                              David Huddleston plays Ken's father, Zach Taylor.  But, guess who plays his mother, Jean?????????  That is right, darlings, none other than Louise Fletcher!  Geez, Louise!  When I saw her, I knew what we were in for; all she has to do is glare at the camera to convey a malevolence more terrifying than most.  This was during that period of time when Valerie Bertinelli seemed to be in every other TV movie, and, when a seasoned actress was needed to portray a real bitch, Louise Fletcher was the actress to call.  She glares malevolently, Ontkean glares arrogantly, and you want to put your fist through the TV at both of them.

                               Of course, they stick up for their psycho son, even to the point of trying to extract custody of grandson Andrew for themselves.  You see, they are Midwest Christians, not fast and easy New Yorkers, so they have the right values to raise their son.  Yeah, right!   So, what happened to your child???????????

                                I wonder if Peter Maas' book, which I may have to read, gives the parents back story.  I would like to have known more, to see what turned Ken into what he became--a monster!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Valerie Bertinelli gives the most impassioned performance, as Teresa's sister, Angela, who wages a hard battle she deservedly wins.  They get the child, the parents go back to their Right Wing cult in the Midwest, and scumbag Ken stays in prison. All is well--in TV movie land.

                                   But this scumbag was unfathomable.  He was also a sex addict, embezzler, very entitled, and seemed to murder his wife simply because she took back a family heirloom--earrings--he wanted to sell.  The murder is mercifully done off-camera, but the method is made clear--he bludgeons her to death with a twenty pound bar bell.

                                     The real Kenneth Taylor is not as handsome as Ontkean, but is every bit a psycho scumbag.  I am not sure if Teresa had not been murdered, someone else would have.  Maybe Marilyn and her daughter.  I was surprised, but glad, he did not kill the child.

                                       Which does not mean he would not have, if it fit his agenda.  This guy is pure evil.

                                        ID should do this story.  Maybe they have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Scum, darlings!  Scum!  And the Taylors lived in New Jersey!



  1. The motive for Ken involved Theresa’s earrings , a gift from her grandmother, but not the one you state. On their Mexican honeymoon Theresa is badly beaten . Police said that Ken did it . Theresa had no memory. Ken told Theresa that her earrings were stolen by the thieves that almost killed her. Months later Theresa finds the earrings in Ken’s briefcase. She takes them but at first says nothing to Ken but does finally understand that Ken was the one who severely beat her in their honeymoon as everyone else believed. Later on she returns home, puts on the earrings and confronts Ken. Enraged because he knows Theresa now knows the truth and will tell everyone that she has proof that he did do the beating after all, he starts a fight with her and beats her to death with a 20 pound barbell.

  2. In real life, the motive had nothing to do with the earrings. She had found them in Ken's briefcase and said she thought they got stolen in Acapulco. He said, No, it was a different pair. She said okay.
    On the night of the murder, immediately after Teresa's cousin, her husband and baby left (a cake her cousin had brought was left on the counter - Teresa had been about to wrap it up and put it in the refrigerator as they were leaving), Ken was trying to have sex with Teresa (before she could even wrap the cake up) and she must have turned him down. Her culottes were ripped in the back down one leg and her private parts had gobs of Vaseline in and around them. After he killed her, he then made 26 phone calls to sex hot lines. Also, his ex-wife wasn't afraid of him. She enjoyed being the "mistress" while he cheated on Teresa with her - because he'd cheated on her with Teresa.

  3. Unknown,
    Too bad Teresa did not get to
    the barbell first!

  4. Maybe in the tv movie the earrings mattered, but in real life they didn't. He beat the crap out of Teresa in Acapulco, supposedly because she bit him on the ankle. Ken had a temper and would just flip. Then do his best to lie his way out of the consequences.
    I'm not defending his ex wife. Not sure what you're referring to there.
